Air conditioner servicing and when AC require service ?

Yes an air conditioner requires proper service at least two times a year for its proper maintenance. If its not done properly it can cause demage to its components and dirty air filters in an air conditioner can cause serious health issues as germs start to circulate in air.
Approximately 75% of houses and offices in the world are air conditioned for human comfort. An air conditioner doesn't only controls the temperature but simeltaneously it filters the air, controls bacteria, de-humidify air and removes odours from conditioned space.

Cleaning of cooling coils :- you can clean your air conditioner’s AC evaporator coil. But if the contamination is high and its not getting clean up with your best efforts don’t try to go hard with evaporator as it can harm the fins which are very soft part of evaporator. You can use castic soda which is easily available at chemist shops and mix well a very small quantity (50 gms) in 5 ltr water. Put this water on coils slowly and let it be there for 10 minutes, now wash the coils with water with low pressure over the coils and use a hard brush adjasent to fins so that it don’t harm or bend the fins. You will get your evaporators coils free from all contaminations like a new one. But be careful with your safety to use this method, always wear safety glasses and hand gloves.
What happens when we don't service our air conditioner on time ?
An air conditioner in working condition mixes fresh with recirculated air from conditioned space again and again until it reaches the required temperature in room. Simeltaneously it cleans the air through filters. If an air conditioner is not serviced after every four months, then filters will start to chok and a choked filter will increase static pressure on blower fan blades and motor as well (low efficiency hign power consumption). A choked filter contains tiny dust and dirt particles and if these particles remains for long time on filters then air passing through these filters can give fungle disease to any one who comes in contact with this infected air mainly children.
Now a days air conditioners have replaced fans. I think as a HVAC engineer don't think there will be any office or residential area in urban or metro cities are without air conditioners. The people who spend maximum of their time in offices spacialy who have sitting jobs are always under influence of air conditioners. Before the time of entry to the offices the peons are instructed to switch on the air conditioners.
An air conditioner is installed to achieve a comfort level (22-24degree) of temperature at which human body feels comfort and perform their jobs in comfort. But temperature can be achieved upto 16 degree celcius.
The people who get used to of temperature below 22 degree celcius push their body in huge trouble. If an air conditioner is set on the temperature below 22 degree celcius human body can get serious health issues like Arthritis, Nausea, Cold, low immunity, fungel etc. Arthritis is the most dangerous decease and numbers of patiants has dramaticaly increased in last decade only because of usage of air conditionrs.
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