Is air conditioner good for health ?

Now a days air conditioners have replaced fans. I as a HVAC engineer don't think there will be any office or residential area in urban or metro cities are without air conditioners. The people who spend maximum of their time in offices spacialy who have sitting jobs are always under influence of air conditioners. Before the time of entry to the offices the peons are instructed to switch on the air conditioners.
An air conditioner is installed to achieve a comfort level (22-24degree) of temperature at which human body feels comfort and perform their jobs in comfort. But temperature can be achieved upto 16 degree celcius.

The people who get used to of temperature below 22 degree celcius push their body in huge trouble. If an air conditioner is set on the temperature below 22 degree celcius human body can get serious health issues like Arthritis, Nausea, Cold, low immunity, fungel etc. Arthritis is the most dangerous decease and numbers of patiants has dramaticaly increased in last decade only because of usage of air conditionrs.
When we spend maximum of time under air conditioned space our body doesn't face any resistance or any discomfort from our environment and get used to it. An air conditioner reduces the ability of immune system and reduces the life of human body as human body which is used to air conditioned space can easily be grabed by deceases.

So, I advise to use air conditioners only at the time of rainy season because humidity is high at this time period and comfortable conditions can not be achieved. But before rainy season simple air coolers perform well.
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