sensible and Latent heat simple definition

Heat may be defined as a form of energy and in HVAC we calculate heat energy to be removed or added to create a conditioned space comfortable for human beings. Only human body is considered as main source of heat in HVAC heat load calculations. Heat has two types sensible and latent. Let us understand difference between these two.

1. Sensible Heat :- Sensible heat is heat which raises the temperature of a liquid or solid on its addition. More the heat is added more the temperature rises. There are so many sources including natural and man made that produce sensible heat. Ever human and animal bodies produce sensible heat.

2. Latent Heat :-  Latent heat may be defined as a heat on addition of which to a solid or liquid changes its temperature to an extent. For example water boils at a temperature of 100 degree celcius but on addition of extra heat doesn't change water's temperature. Latent heat is also defined as hidden heat which is more concerned to humidity.

According to carrier a human body produces an amount of sensible heat 245 BTU/hr and latent heat 205 BTU/hr (standing or sitting condition). 
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